Questions about Baby Item Bazaar

We recently experienced one of joys of life: the birth of our own daughter. We were incredibly fortunate to have friends and family help us get started with clothes, furniture, toys, and hand-me-downs. However, we quickly realized that a clock was ticking on many of the new items we received or purchased, especially when it came to clothes. Even items that we thought were indispensable were left in mint condition when our daughter outgrew orfound no interest in them. We realized that other parents and families might be excited about the possibility of purchasing or selling some of these new or "lightly used" items at reduced rates to parents who might appreciate great items at a discounted price. That's when we thought of the Baby Item Bazaar!

We envisioned the Baby Item Bazaar, or B.I.B., to be an interactive experience where parents could sell/purchase items from other parents and share information about their experiences as parents.  Here are some of our stories:


As new parents we would buy anything for our daughter. However, even during her first year, she has selectively chosen her favorite toys, books, and binkies. That meant there were items which were left virtually (and sometimes literally) untouched - invisible to the innate selectivity of an infant.

What were we supposed to do with these abandoned items? These were not items that out daughter would one day grow or learn to appreciate. These were items that were the wrong size for the wrong season or were simply thoughtful gifts that never hit their mark. Does that mean that these unused items should be thrown away - of course not!!

We feel all of these items can be appreciated by someone else.

Clothing Never Used

 When we were expecting our daughter, we set up her nursery with so much love. We put together her crib and put her dresser next to it with a changing station on top. In that dresser, we placed so many newborn onesies, socks, caps, dresses, leggings, and t-shirts. We had so many clothing combinations that we were ready to change outfits twice a day. People even prepared us with the idea that we would be changing her multiple times a day.

When our precious daughter arrived at the beginning of summer time, we realized that she was happiest in simple t-shirts and diapers. This also gave us quickest access to change her diaper as frequently as a newborn baby requires.

Perhaps it's cliché to say that the newborn stage passes "in the blink of an eye", but it did. Before we knew it, our daughter had grown into her 3-month clothes. Her newborn wardrobe was a memory of the past and so much of it had gone unused.

For each cycle of our daughter's life, we approached it desperate to be prepared, and left it with so many articles of clothing that were not right for the season (bathing suits for 6 month but at which time it was winter), or dresses for more occasions than we had on our schedule (we only went to 1 holiday party). It's important that these good-looking outfits and articles of clothing serve their greater purpose.

Baby Electronics

 We were walking through Babies 'R Us a few months before the arrival of our daughter. One of the items that caught our eye was the Mamaroo, a automatic baby rocking device that I wish they made in adult size. It has a glowing LCD display, a dial for different type of swing patterns, a two buttons for speeds, and different musical selections. It's totally awesome looking, space-age even. But, infants don't really care about that stuff.

Babies either fall asleep in in their rocker or they cry in protest. Our daughter fell asleep in it once. We thought we were brilliant parents and our rocker was the best idea ever. However, that was the last time that our daughter used it because after that initial time, she hated it. She cried at the idea of laying back and especially being restrained by the straps, which are an essential safety feature. We have since realized that her mild case of silent reflux was likely the cause - nonetheless, the negative association stuck.

Although this great rocker swing didn't work perfectly for us, doesn't mean it still isn't one of the best swings on the market. Personally, we still want one in an adult size. Until that day, we think wonderful items like this need to be matched up with their ideal baby partners.


We don't have the biggest apartment. We knew it was going to get tight when our daughter was born. We moved bookcases into our dining area and created space where none existed before. But clutter takes on a new definition when we keep stepping over items that she is outgrowing Swings, rockers, play-area gates that didn't fit, and bags of newborn clothes are the obstacles in this steeplechase of parental life.

We know that finding a good home for some of these space-occupying items will make our apartment seems larger or at least it will give us more room for more stuff. We also know we can't be the only parents in this situation.

Cost Savings

Creating Baby Item Bazaar was also about cost savings. As new parents, we know how every dime counts. We know that there will always be a reason to purchase furniture, clothes, and toys brand new directly from a store. However, there are times when price is important and newness is not. Does EVERY family really need a brand new, mint condition version of EVERY baby item? Probably not.

As our own story describes, we personally have many items that are in pristine (or near pristine) condition that were quickly outgrown or that weren't right for us. Perhaps, these items will find a new life with a new family...and at a lower price than what they would have paid for them *in the fancy boxes.



While it's wonderful that we live in a world where you can order almost anything online, it's also good to know that you can talk to the person who is buying your items and from whom you're buying items. You can find out how something works, see a variety of options in one location, save on shipping costs, make a friend, set up a play date, talk about child-care and review the items in your home that might need to be displayed at the next B.I.B.

It's good for parents to talk about what worked and what didn't. Sometimes it's comforting to see (with your own eyes) that "lightly used" newborn socks really are just as good as brand new socks for significantly less than what you would have paid at a store. Community is about working together for a common good - good items at good prices is good for everyone. That's what we're trying to organize at Baby Item Bazaar.
